Haelin Roberts

Prof. Emerson


Revision Strategy


For my essay I plan to use Wasik’s “My Crowd Experiment: The Mob Project”, Restak’s “Attention Deficit: The Brain Syndrome of Our Era”, and an article from the New York Times titled “Addicted to Distraction”. From Wasik’s essay I will show how his mobs prove that people have become so easy to distract that they will go out of their way to see nothing if they hear or see about it on the internet. People have too much time to kill and are not using it productively. This will directly relate to Restak’s essay where I will use his points about how distracting the internet has been for young adults and with so much stimulation it is almost impossible to focus. When one cannot focus they are unable to truly find their purpose. In my outside source, the New York Times headlines how distracting the average work day is. The reason that it is so hard to focus is that the internet delivers instant gratification, where purpose is something that takes a long time to find and refine. The more time that is spent on the internet, the more stimulation the mind needs, the drive from the brain to become more stimulated takes away from the focus on the task at hand.