Writing is a process that takes constant reevaluation, often I notice that I struggle to really organize my paper and get my paper to flow the way I want it to. Knowing this, I chose to focus my attention to this and try to really give my paper the right feel. When trying to decide what paragraphs to use I used a different strategy and attempted to not write about as many things and try to narrow down my paper’s focus. From my rough draft to my final draft I cut out many of the shorter paragraphs that were just filling in space. In addition to this I sought to make my title much more focused, often I will label a paper with a title after I write. In this situation I gave it a title first so that I would be able to then form the paper around the title. This would change the perspective of my essay and help to refine my paragraphs. In doing this, I sought to articulate my opening paragraph around the claim that I had just specified. From there, much of my editing came from trying to trim down my sentences. I found that in trying to specify my paper, that it was easier to write more.