I am an 18-year-old first year from Edmonds, Washington. I’ve always been interested in getting away from home and Maine was about as far as I could be. I came to UNE because I love the area surrounding the school as well as the campus. The surrounding area of Maine is beautiful and the close proximity to the metropolitan area of Boston will allow me to advance my career in the years after college. I’m not quite sure what career path I want to follow yet which is why I decided to major in business in hopes that I will find something along the way.  I feel as if UNE will prepare me to have a successful career in whatever I decide to do. I also play football at UNE and hope to join clubs and intramural sports. Football has always been a huge part of my life and now is allowing me to continue my education.  Part of me has always wanted to have a job involved in sports and hopefully I will either find something involved in that or find another interest. In college I hope to find my true passion while expanding my horizons and also having fun of course. I hope college continues to be as rewarding as it has so far.