Haelin Roberts


Prof. Emerson

Podcast Reflection


Following this interview, I was struck by the differences in how people see technology. For example, my cousin Hayden viewed technology in his childhood very differently than I had. I think that comes from him being older than me, even though technology has certainly affected his life, it wasn’t as prevalent at such a young age. For me, the rapid advancement of technology throughout my childhood has made those my age and younger dependent on it. While Hayden saw it as a distraction that can be avoided with self-control, I see it as an almost unavoidable distraction since I grew up like that. Although Hayden did go through extra schooling that slowed his progression to traditional adulthood, I believe he is someone who will pass most of those milestones fairly soon. He has a future that is well planned out and put together and as you can see from his dedication to schoolwork I believe he will follow through with his future plans.